Waldorf Education in the Public School System

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A note to readers: The views and opinions expressed in articles published on our website are not necessarily the views and opinions of Sydney Rudolf Steiner College, but are views and opinions worthy of consideration and discussion.     An … Continued

A New Chapter in Education

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One does not need to look very far to see the growing dissolution with current mainstream models of education. Increasing pressures are being placed on both students and teachers to provide more and more data-driven results that are leading to occupational … Continued

Biodynamic Gardening with Children

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By Sandra Frain    Why Should we garden Biodynamically with Children? Sharing gardens and all of nature is an opportunity for we teachers to inspire and support the healthful relationship that our children deserve to be the vital ‘Stewards of … Continued

Become a Steiner Teacher

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Enquire now for 2023

If you are interested in becoming a Steiner teacher (primary, early childhood or high school), we have new courses which offer a combination of online and in-person part-time training. Get in touch to find out more and to discuss enrolment options.


‘The Hub’ Teacher Education Programme

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Teacher training courses become more accessible

The College has responded to the changing landscape of Teacher Education by providing easier access to courses in regional centres. Teachers and schools around the country can now participate in collaborative TEACHER TRAINING HUBS located in their own school or region… [Read More]

Nurturing Early Childhood

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The Wisdom of Fairytales – Workshop for Parents, Carers and Educators!

Explore the wisdom that lives in Fairytales with Bec Whitcombe, along with wet felting and Eurythmy with Adam Chan.

Space is limited, so please book early!

Saturday 23 July 2022.


Join a Local Teacher Training Hub

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To all our school colleagues around the country, we invite you to join us in a collaborative initiative, providing more opportunities for accessibility to teacher training, and strengthening this educational stream within our broader communities.

Learn More