‘The Hub’ Teacher Education Programme

Sydney Rudolf Steiner College offers a unique and comprehensive Steiner teacher training, providing an education experience that supports the whole human being. We are conscious that today, more than ever, we need to establish a direct relationship with the world, with nature and with other human beings, and to learn through Doing, Feeling and Thinking. It is for this reason that the College has established a programme to offer a balance in this technological age, to support distance learning, while ensuring that the human element and sense of community that is so vital in the work we do, is maintained.

The in-person component of our teacher training programs, the twice-yearly Seminars for Early Childhood, Primary and High School teacher training can be delivered in localised or regional areas through a training HUB with a minimum of 12 participants enrolled in one of the courses, to provide more accessible Seminars as well as the opportunity for study groups to enhance the teacher training experience. Any number of teachers may enrol in the online component of the course.  The Seminars are delivered in-person with an emphasis on artistic, creative and practical activities and content to support the teacher, their inner development and their classroom practice.

Interest from a number of schools around Australia has already been expressed and we look forward to working with schools to finalise their involvement in this program.


How Teacher Training Hubs Work


  • Teachers enrolled in the annual Steiner Education courses for Early Childhood, Primary Teaching and High School Teaching, meet one evening each week at their local school or regional HUB during the School/College term, to participate in our weekly online webinars. This is supported by an experienced teacher at the school to lead a discussion time afterward.
  • Two live seminars (In April and September) are held at each HUB where all creative and practical subjects are guided in-person by experienced teachers from the participating schools. Lectures are live-streamed from the seminar in Sydney and group discussion, guided by experienced teachers can take place in-person. We see the face to face delivery of courses as an invaluable and necessary complement to online webinars.
  • The seminars may be held at different schools in local regions, so teachers get to benefit from experiencing different Steiner school environments.
  • Enrolments are processed by the College and all students are administered and supported via our online Learning Portal, so school administration is minimal.
  • Naturally, teachers can still enrol individually and study the webinars from the convenience of their own home, and attend the Seminars in-person at the College in Sydney or at their local HUB.
  • The unexpected advantage of the online delivery of Courses during school term is that the College can draw on an exceptional pool of international lecturers; leaders in their subject matter.


 Please get in touch with us today to find out more.


What our Hub students had to say after their first term and April seminar:


‘It was very good to watch the webinars this term as a group, which led to interesting, valuable and lively discussions afterwards”


“We are grateful to have felt part of the larger group, even at a distance, and we were impressed and inspired by the experience and wisdom of the tutors”


“It was a very rich and beneficial time. Lots of learning, crystallising, and illuminating Steiner’s pedagogy, and how to be an effective teacher”



The advantages and benefits of collaborating in a hub


Sydney Rudolf Steiner College annual courses offer a well-considered foundation in Steiner education delivered over two years (see https://sydneyrudolfsteinercollege.com/) and the Certificate of Completion has been highly regarded by Steiner schools and Steiner Education Australia (SEA) for many years. Our Early childhood courses are acknowledged internationally by the International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education (IASWECE).


HUB Students are able to come together to view the webinars in a group setting and participate in discussions with a school elder, which helps to overcome the limitations of online learning. Schools are thus able to enrich their cultural life and the professional development of their teachers and support staff. It is also an easier way for schools to provide the training and much needed support for teachers new to Steiner education.


The HUB initiative provides an opportunity for more collaboration and the pooling of resources between schools which takes the pressure off Steiner schools to provide their own in-house accredited and teacher-identified professional development. Some subjects within the seminars are NESA accredited and will support teacher’s professional development.


In addition to the online delivery of content and experiencing the arts at seminars, participants undertake written assignments provided and assessed by the College. As a whole, this provides a balanced course. The artistic and practical components held during the seminars can be attended as stand-alone workshops, so other teachers from the faculty and indeed, from other local schools may participate. This will be an exciting, innovative and cooperative way to train teachers.


There is a minimum number of twelve enrolments per course required for each HUB to make the Seminars financially viable and group bookings through a school attract a reduction in fees.


Enquiries are now open for 2023. Please contact Robyn Davis for more information.

email robynd@sydneyrudolfsteinercollege.com or call 0467 953 881



A brief background to Steiner/Waldorf education

From his deep understanding of human development Rudolf Steiner said that human beings would begin to develop a new conscious capacity enabling them to foresee and recognise the inner results of free individual path choices. We are beginning to see this new capacity emerging in many aspects of modern life, including the field of education. The Steiner educational impulse has steadily grown over the past hundred years and expanded on a worldwide scale.

The foundation for the free individual is laid down in childhood and it is here where the seeds of a consciousness-bearing education will be formed.

The Steiner school curriculum is powerful and very unique but it’s not just the curriculum that makes this education special, but the teachers themselves. This education is not a methodology alone but depends on the teacher’s active individual deepening and inner development through personal study and practice. It is the teacher’s inner work that energises and enlivens the curriculum and makes Waldorf education stand out from other educational systems and philosophies. Every subject is related to the evolving human being.

Three main features characterize the Steiner/Waldorf approach to education:

  1. Steiner education is based on a developmental approach, addressing the changing needs of the growing child.
  2. Steiner teachers strive to transform education into an art that educates the whole child – the head, heart and hands.
  3. Steiner schools are committed to developing capacities and skills so their pupils will become self-aware, compassionate individuals with a sense of responsibility for the Earth.


The role of Sydney Rudolf Steiner College.

The College has been providing recognised quality teacher education courses for over 30 years. Our local and international tutors are highly experienced in equipping aspiring Steiner teachers with fundamental anthroposophical principals from which their own enlivened teaching practice can freely develop. Over the past two years our courses have been adapted to include weekly online webinars, but we have maintained the in-person human interaction which is integral to our live bi-annual seminars.


What our annual course students say:

“This is an extremely worthwhile investment. I have taught in mainstream kindergarten for 3 years and transitioned to Steiner education. I have learned and gained a deeper insight as my purpose as an educator and who the child is.”

“An experience I will treasure for my lifetime. To truly connect with my peers, my teachers and the content. I feel my journey is truly underway now.” ECF student 2022

“The lecturers were warm and provided so much wisdom. They and the content they were delivering was engaging and able to be applied to work and personal life.
I feel I grew both as a person as well as building on my anthroposophy knowledge within the PTF course.” PTF Student, 2022






Sydney Rudolf Steiner College Courses


Annual courses

Early Childhood, Primary and High School Teaching. In order to meet the need for part-time training around Australia our College provides distance teacher training courses with online course material and assignments enriched by two weeklong live seminars. Our courses are focused on finding a balance between the practical needs of teachers and a deeper experience of Anthroposophy that is essential to Steiner education.

The seminars. These are held in -person in a Steiner school setting over 5 days in April and September. They provide students with the opportunity to engage and interact with their peers and tutors, and to experience a deepening of course content and inner development through the Arts, in movement, performance and visual art.


Short Courses

Exploring Anthroposophy is held over the first two terms of the year and provides ALL students with a foundation in anthroposophical principals.

The Inner development of the Teacher is held over one term and guides teachers to strengthen their capacity for inner transformation through self-reflective and meditative practice.

Life Phases Biography is a self-paced course over 5 months. Students are guided in their own life journey process towards a deeper understanding of their phases and critical points bringing strengthened self-awareness – often described as transformational.

Nurturing Early Childhood offers 4 seasonal one-day workshops to support parents, carers, and teachers to deepen their understanding of child development and meet the needs of the young child. The programme looks at the importance of daily Rhythm, free creative play, the self-development of the teacher, festivals and story-telling, to name a few.

The Art of Caring imparts insightful knowledge and wisdom in the art of providing the right foundations for life in the very young child.


Our coordinators are available for any queries or conversations so you’re welcome to contact us

Our details:

Robyn Davis: Early Childhood and High School Course Coordinator


Doris Antivilo: College Coordinator and Course Coordinator for Primary School courses





‘The Hub’ Teacher Education Programme

© 2025 Sydney Rudolf Steiner College