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The Art of Caring
Steiner/Waldorf Childcare Course from Birth to Five
Register Now for 2025 Developed out of the growing demand for Steiner/Waldorf Childcare, this comprehensive part-time course aims to equip Parents, Educators, childcare providers, and playgroup leaders with the essential tools to create a warm and nourishing environment for the children in their care.Presented by some of our most experienced Early Childhood educators, the course covers in-depth talks and practical workshops on child development and the art of conscious caring to prepare participants with the necessary foundational knowledge of Steiner/Waldorf education.
The course is delivered ONLINE via live webinar over 9 sessions (one session per month), with a one-day seminar for the final session held in person. International participants welcome. Delivered across 9 sessions (one session per month) Submit your expression of Interest to be notified when the course is open for registration. [maxbutton name="Register Interest Art of Caring"]